Any Soldier Inc.
Want to send your support to Any Marine
but have no idea of what to send, who to send it to, or how to send it? has Marine "contacts" who are overseas and they list what they need and want. We even have a search capability so you can easily identify what units need. You read through the names and the stories they write and select the ones you wish to support. Marines are volunteers for this effort, they see the "ATTN: Any Marine®" line under their name on the mail you send to them and they put your letters and packages into the hands of Marines who don't get much or any mail. is a great way to support your troops while deployed. If you are a deployed Marine it is easy to join, just go to and sign up online!

Combined Federal Campaign Combined Federal Campaign (CFC)
Our catalog number: 11993.
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Thank you, very much, for your support!
The Independent Charities Seal of Excellence The Independent Charities Seal of Excellence is awarded to the members of Independent Charities of America and Local Independent Charities of America that have, upon rigorous independent review, been able to certify, document, and demonstrate on an annual basis that they meet the highest standards of public accountability, program effectiveness, and cost effectiveness. These standards include those required by the US Government for inclusion in the Combined Federal Campaign, probably the most exclusive fund drive in the world. Of the 1,000,000 charities operating in the United States today, it is estimated that fewer than 50,000, or 5 percent, meet or exceed these standards, and, of those, fewer than 2,000 have been awarded this Seal. Thank You!
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